By Bob Beanblossom

22 October 2017

It seems to me that there are just some Scripture passages that we as Christians should review often. For me they include John 1; Ephesians 4; Hebrews 1. These are some of those magnificent passages that help keep us in our “place”— that is, where He wants us to be.

For me, it helps to first read the whole thing at one setting. Then go through it section by section another set of times. Follow that up with an in depth look at a section that grabs our hearts through the Holy Spirit’s working—for we always read the Scripture prayerfully, taking time to let it sink in and let the Spirit work in us and on us, don’t we? We can’t be followers if we don’t know who the Leader is or where He is.

Oh, I forgot to tell you the passage I was thinking about: Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount; given to the world, but able to be understood only by Christians submissive to the leadership of the Spirit; taking time to read, and think, and pray, through the whole thing. Receptive, willing to be instructed and molded. This is one reason it is not for the world. Read it as if it was about the face in your mirror, not about someone you want to change to conform to your image. It is exceedingly personal, as is all Scripture. Like Jesus’ audience at the mount, our world is not ready to follow anyone, even God. But, we should be.

Ask a few questions. Ask God. It’s OK. Who was He speaking to? How did He introduce the message and how did He conclude it. So what—what does it mean to and for me? How will it change me to be more like the active follower He wants me to be? The answer to these and other questions are found in your Bible through prayer first and foremost. Know what the Word says before you seek the advice of others. Test all responses against the Word, for it is, for eternity, the only authority.

See you in church.