Promise Kept

By Bob Beanblossom

6 October 2016

It seems to me that we are being duped–seriously misled and distracted–and don’t even know it.  Or, at least, we don’t seem to know the ramifications of this effort.  I am reluctant to post this, but think it could be useful (if anybody takes the time to read it) as a discussion starter. I don’t have any special insights, but tend to be observant.

It will be as short and sweet as I can make it. Just the major points. I will list some salient points, then propose a direction of change. Here goes.

President Obama has kept his campaign promise to “fundamentally change America.” Granted, it is a work in progress, but the progress to date has been substantial and may be irreversible in my lifetime.

  1. He has used existing smoldering differences in our society to escalate them into active blazes of division, often with violent outcomes. He is not the cause of every problem we as a nation have, but he embraces those divisions as tools to achieve his objectives. These include  issues such as nationalism, sexual  identification, religion, marriage, and race, misusing his executive power to create regulations (pseudo-law), to institute ‘social engineering,’ to place small minority preferences above those of the vast majority (and current law), and to influence these actions across the board of government and society. Very few of these actions are supported by actual law, although the effect is the same.
  2. He has encouraged the formation of minority  groups who use illegal means to disrupt the lawful activities of Americans who are simply living their lives. Our Constitution–the rule of law, our flag, our Pledge, our history–have all been desecrated and demonized. Anarchy–the ‘rights’ of the individual at any cost–is accepted as the new norm. Like other movements, the ‘individual’ seeks out and joins with other ‘individuals’ who think alike.
  3. He has willfully failed to recognize and pursue a cure for the predominate causes of domestic crime such as black on black violence, focusing instead on creating new ‘hate crimes’ that place the value of one victim above another. Segregation in the name of equality is still segregation, and breeds mistrust and strong feelings.
  4. He has willfully failed to identify and attack the source of enemy attacks within our borders–terrorist acts. The commonality–the profile–of first line terrorists and of self-identified copycats is unmistakable, even to the casual observer, but is publicly ignored by the administration, leading to continued attacks. Facts strongly suggest a Muslim cause and further Muslim influence. The known affiliations and statements of the terrorists often support this directly. English language Muslim websites confirm this by both promoting and instructing in in the methodology of achieving the destruction of Americans.
  5. He has bowed (literally and figuratively) to Muslim leaders around the world both in action and effect. He has ignored our traditional allies, aligning himself, thus our nation, with those who have avowed to destroy us. He has failed to uphold his oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  Incidentally, that Oath is part of the Constitution (Article II, Section I, Clause 8). This Oath is centered within the limits and duties of the President.
  6. He is doing everything he can to open our borders to immigrants who wish to establish their government and religion IN PLACE OF OURS. The southern border is another distraction. The real issue is the select group of government mandated immigrants. Immigration laws of all civilized nations have traditionally allowed immigrants to enter (in controlled numbers) who offer value  in ideas and skills and who wish to become assimilated into that nation’s culture.  Not to lose their identity, but to enhance it. No hyphenated nationalities, but American citizens. Wholesale immigration has been prohibited to protect the mainstream identity of those nations including ours.

There is much more, of course, but I hope you will look for those things yourself as you test this message.

My take is this:  The fundamental change that President Obama, Ms. Clinton (who will probably  succeed him) and other elites in office and behind the scenes, are leading the charge to create a new Muslim state out of the ashes of America.  This started with the eroding of the America established by our Founding Fathers that has endured all these years.  Not a perfect place. Not without opportunities for improvement. But an amazing example of a government Of, By, and For the People.

Both Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton have surrounded themselves with Muslim advisors and staffed the federal bureaucracies with Muslims often to the exclusion of others. There is nothing wrong with diversity in our leaders and public servants. As long as each is in philosophical harmony with the values of our nation, and not the promotion and adoption of anti-Constitutional activities. The policies and actions of both Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton reflect the influence of these advisers.

Although the Muslim world is not uniform in religion or politics, it is completely united in its holy mandate to wipe out infidels. The holy books of Islam state:

 “I have been ordered to fight the people til they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’ (Bukhari 8:387)

I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah.’ (Muslim 1:30)

‘Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah . . .’ (Quran 4:76)

‘I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.’ (Quran 8:12)

The one thing the Muslim nations lack is a vast, rich country with resources and infrastructure to use as a base of international rule, for the continued spread of Islam. This country admirably fits that bill.

I will not attempt to assign motive. That in itself can be distracting. But the direction seems clear, and that is what must be addressed.  Media attention to bathrooms, Black Lives, and brothel morals all are distractions. The big picture shows a flow from Constitutional rule of law to a growing increase in and acceptance of anti-American Sharia law. Lawlessness and social disruption aided by domestic disturbances mask the real direction we are travelling. As Chicago Mayor (and President Obama’s appointed Chief of Staff and press front man) Rahm Emmanuel stated on 22 September 2016, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.  And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” This was preceded by Ms. Clinton, who said essentially the same thing on 6 and 20 March 2009, and again on 16 April 2016.

This is not a doomsday report.  I have not seen America in any Bible prophecy of the last days. That is God’s Word and I accept it fully. I do believe that there are some things we can do if we cherish the America that was–with room for real improvement: 

1.   Pray.  There are requirements for His answering, but he will hear you. (See James 5:16 for a start)

2. Vote in the coming election. Vote against Ms. Clinton and her cohorts. Vote against every politician–Republican and Democrat–who has supported this administration’s objectives. Don’t be duped by excuses. Like our own ballots, each vote that a lawmaker casts is ultimately his or her choice and responsibility. (See Exodus 18:21, 25)

3.  Contact your elected representatives over every issue. Make them tired of you. Make them know that you are watching.  (See Luke 18:1-7 and 2 Peter 2 )

4. Be a healer. Be a proponent and keeper of the law. Be active in the promotion of the rule of law and the original values of a nation built on the precepts of the living God. Be willing to make compromises to achieve incremental improvements. Be willing to admit that you could be (are) wrong now and then.  Be part of the solution, not the problem.