Christians and Persecution

History shows that, for the past two thousand years plus, Christians responded to persecution with renewed commitment to their Savior and increased witnessing at any cost. (See Acts 8:4) They were the spiritual descendants of those first Christians who “set all the city in an uproar” and “turned the world upside down.”  (See Acts 17:5-7)

Until now.  Today we migrate to the social media and chase whatever hot-button the un-godly place before us.  Muslims are over-running former bastions of Christianity around the world. Atheists are dictating our laws and policies. Our churches are trying to outperform professional entertainers.  Our Bibles gather dust, not even being displayed in places of honor in Christian homes anymore.

We are in a weak defensive position, swayed by every breeze, set off course by every contrary current, and left exhausted from chasing our tails.

God hasn’t changed. Who does that leave?