We the People

It seems to me that “We the People” have forgotten who we are and where we came from.

Historical revisionism is multi-generational. Our own children and grandchildren are taught revisionist history by teachers and historians who only know the politically correct versions of American and world history. Many of them–and us– have never explored the original sources.  They have read ‘about,’ but many have never read what the source actually said and did. They teach what they were taught. 

“We the People” established this nation at great personal cost. They escaped persecution in Europe for their beliefs and an overwhelming desire for freedom, and soon found the English intent upon empire in the New World.

Our forefathers built this nation,  to “establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense.” 

Somewhere along the way we have become lazy and inattentive to those freedoms that our founding fathers and so many American fighting men and women paid for. We gave our authority to politicians who became arrogant elitists who now tell us what to do. We traded European domination for English tyranny for American Politicians. The revisionist Preamble now states:

“We the politicians of this government run this nation to pick and choose the capitol-hilllaws we will enforce, stir up every group we can think of against every other, and dismantle our defense system against internal and external enemies.”

All the while “We the People” dispel our indignation in useless patter that is suspended as we transfer our short-sighted energy and attention to the next ball game or TV show.

The politicians learned well from Nero.  We have not.  If that one is lost on you, please take some to look up the history of Nero. He was crazy as a loon, but an astute politician, adept at distracNerotions, and at switch and bait tactics. Crooked as could be, self centered and abusive to all who didn’t agree with him, he probably could have been elected President.