Gun Control or Public Safety

It seems to me that we are again showing how easy it is to distract the American people.

The question is not Second Amendment rights OR gun control, whatever those terms mean.

The question is violent crime that results in the loss of American lives, injures, families torn apart and property loss. ALL caused by criminals. That would be people who break existing laws for whatever reason.

Let’s get personal. Before we cast the first stone, let’s consider what we do and what we teach our children about the law. Who among us always obey speed limits and other traffic laws? How do we react to the officer—the legal authority—who enforces those laws. What about the respect we show our elected and appointed officials—and each others? Big deal, right? What principle are we teaching our kids? Work the rest of that out yourself.

Let’s get a little more philosophical. Have you noticed that the Second Amendment is the SECOND Amendment. If a criminal has taken someone’s life they have lost their First Amendment rights guaranteed by the same Constitution. You know, the one that starts out with the charge to the federal government to protect the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of all of its citizens.

The principle that out Founding Fathers applied was holistic. Redaction is gross misapplication of their intent.

To wind this up, we need to be coming together to address the problem of violent crime not sitting on our posteriors in ivory tower idealism while our fellow Americans are being attacked by criminals, whether one at a time or in mass executions, whether by our fellow Americans or by foreign criminals.

As always, the problem is not “them,” but is us.