From the horse’s mouth

by Bob Beanblossom

7 October 2017

It seems to me that a rule of “followship” is that the work of the original person is often so distorted by his followers that he would have a hard time recognizing it. Here is an example:

“. . . as this process of extermination has acted on an enormous scale, so must the number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed on the earth, be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.”  Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species.

In other words, Charles Darwin said this:

  1. We have ample fossil records of extinction in marine sediments (such as occurs in a massive flood–Bob)
  2. We have no fossil record of transitional record of species-to-species life forms (what is called today macro-evolution to distinguish it from variations in the flu virus, or the size of horses, where the virus changes, but is always a virus, and the horse shows variations, but remains a horse–Bob)
  3. Darwin recognized the problem with his theory (and modern science claims that there is no problem, although it stands today exactly as it did when Darwin wrote these words–Bob)

The problem is not with science but with philosophers-as-scientists who have abandoned the pursuit of truth for the god of secular philosophy. The scientific method–observe, postulate, test, revise, peer review and falsification–has been discarded for models and simulations that have carefully selected parameters to assure particular results to support the dominant worldview that has replaced God with man.

Evolutionary secularism has given us a world where biblical moral foundations and empirical truth of which God alone is the source, has been replaced with a confused me-ism in which we can’t even find the restroom that corresponds with our birth-plumbing, where self-discipline means getting our own way at any cost, and where we blame inanimate objects for man’s failure as individuals and society.

The answer lies–only–in Jesus, who “is come to seek and to save that which is lost” (Luke 19:10). This from the oldest continually read and revered book in the world. Is it possible that the collective experience of thousands of years of men with their God carries a little more weight than the politician who lies and deceives to get elected to blend with the establishment, or the atheistic scientist who claims that “Evolution is fact–trust me.” Both operate on the same level of smoke and mirror truth.

The question is simple–Do you choose God’s unchanging truth where He gave His Son that each one of us could be saved; or the relativist’s ever-changing, self-serving scramble for personal pleasure and gain at the expense of everyone else?