It seems to me . . .

Bob Beanblossom   November 2015


We Americans live generally isolated from the realities of the world outside or our own experience.  Middle class America is far more in tune with rivalries rather than enemies.  Sports and games diffuse our natural aggressiveness to some extent. There is growing evidence that these, coupled with a turning away from foundational moral values, is giving rise to increasing incidents of vicarious violence being acted out, but that is another subject. We often have little concept of the realities of life in the subculture of American gangs and certainly none for the millions of people living in war-ravaged countries where violent death is the rule rather than the exception. Our sporting events, game shows, video games and the like all come to an end, even if we carry some residual emotion into our every-day world. We look at 9-11 and Benghazi as isolated events rather than part of an escalating, ongoing set of events that will have ever-more impact on each of us in ways we cannot—or will not–imagine. France seems so far away, as does a Russian aircraft. We wonder with Hillary Clinton, “What difference does it make?” And move on to the next celebrity scandal without waiting for an answer.


Millions of people around the world live in a different reality, one with the threat of violent death from real enemies, where hunger is normal, and where clean water is not only absent but unknown, where sickness comes in tsunami-strength waves. Where a change of clothes is beyond any expectation, and personal property means shared family eating utensils. Hope is the next meal, and happiness is the absence of strangers with AK-47s. Many of these citizens of the world’s war-ravaged countries are highly mobile. They move from food source to food source, from extreme danger to relative danger: Often these are what we term refugee camps—what they call home for the moment. With living conditions marginal, food and water usually inadequate, and medical facilities stretched beyond capacity, conditions might be a bit better than their last home. Today many are crossing national borders—meaningless to the wandering masses—following the rumors of better conditions.

Dreams of a safe and secure plot of land, some seed and a pair of breeding animals, is a remote dream. Places where work for the able and an outlet for cottage industry production is non-existent. These citizens of the world have been reduced to the state of livestock, a burden without any benefit to their reluctant benefactors. In this process, death is a constant companion:  bullets and bombs, starvation and illness, all come indiscriminately to young and old. Every family knows death intimately.


Today the Western world faces an imminent threat: the signs are highly visible to those who will but look around. Our enemies are committed to destroying our nations, our lifestyles, and us. They are not reticent. They are brazen in their proclamations that our destruction is their goal. Our national response has been to overtly ignore or, worse yet, mask the threat through “politically correct” jargon and increasing federal funding for their activities. While We the People—the voters—complain now and then of our government’s overt aid to those who have declared their intention to destroy us, we in fact do little to get the attention of those in power—those we elect, those who are only in power because we elect them. We are the source of power unless we abdicate that responsibility. Our politicians are certainly responsible for their actions, but we are responsible for putting them in office, keeping them in office, and advising them clearly of our expectations while we are they are serving us, their constituents. The idea of a powerless citizenry in America is ludicrous—a travesty of our heritage and the provisions of our Constitution. We are only powerless when we choose to be.


There can be no victory without an enemy. As nice as it would be to live in perpetual peace, that will not—cannot—be on this side of eternity.  Survival is a continuum with victory in one direction and slavery on the other. Victory requires a clear understanding of who the enemy is, a realistic plan action, and the resolve to press forward to victory at all costs.


Our enemy—not of our choice, but of his—is militant Islam. As politically incorrect as that is to say out loud today, if we want our grandchildren to enjoy the America we have, it is time to face the facts. Islam is committed to destroying all nations, all people, who are not Muslims. Contrary to what we are being told, Islam’s holy book, the Quran, contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with infidels—non-Muslims. This is not a philosophical, go out and make converts type of war, it is real war. These commands include instructions to chop off heads and fingers of the infidels (sound familiar?) and kill them wherever they may be hiding. The Quran calls Muslims who resist this calling “infidels.” For example:

“And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out.” (Quran 2:191) The context is offensive, not defensive.

“And soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for they that joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority.” (Quran 3:151)  Specifically, Christians who were seen by Muhammed as polytheists.

“Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.” (Quran 4:74)  Impetus for suicide bombers.

“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement.” (Quran 5:33) War against a Muslim country begets war.

This is but a small sampling of the Quran’s call to the destruction of all infidels. Again, any non-Muslim is an infidel.

The enemy is ideologically easy to identify. A major problem arises when we look at the masses of displaced people—the refugees—in the typical American way. Americans have three natural sequential responses: 1) Show some pity and want to help them, 2) Show some concern that (in the case of the refugees currently moving into Europe and America) there seems to be a disproportionate percentage of young able-bodied men who might be agents of Muhammed, and 3) Then forget it about the problem until some major disaster brings it to our attention again. If we choose the typical route, we are defeated.

We tend to be over-simplistic in our approach to everything.  TV has trained us that our problems can all be solved in a half-hour segment with ten-minutes of commercials telling us what meds to take and where to find an attorney to sue the manufacturer when we do take them. Life is not like that, and our enemy is real. His actions are predictable, his targets much less so.

Their methods are manifold, and each needs to be addressed. There are no short cuts.

  1. Infiltration and domestication.  They take advantage of our “Ya’ll come” nature and lack of knowledge regarding their value system to integrate our a) neighborhoods, b) business, c) schools, and 4) politics into their organization.  Our way of life—America, the great melting pot—is to them our weakness. Their religion, which is their government, is hostile to us, their host.
    1. Mosques that teach the Quran are springing up in our neighborhoods.
    2. Government aid gives Muslim businesses major tax breaks and other incentives not afforded the citizens whose tax dollars fund those benefits.
    3. The Quran and foundations of Islam are taught in our public schools while Judeo-Christian values and the Bible of our founding fathers are excluded.
    4. Their representatives “reasonably” ask that we recognize, and even adopt, Sharia law. Some areas of our country have already done this. Here are some provisions of that law:
      1. Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand.
      2. Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
  • A Muslim who converts to another religion, and the person who leads a Muslim away from that faith are both subject to the death penalty.
  1. A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
  2. And much more.

Muslim and Muslim-sympathizer politicians such as the Obama administration are enacting laws and regulations that are obviously pro-Islam and anti-Christian faster than the unwitting politicians who vote for them can comprehend. Most don’t have a clue what they are voting for, usually because they are so concerned with reelection that little else matters. We can change that if we are choose.

America’s drifting, anchorless value(less) system that has rejected our Judeo-Christian roots is prime for ideologues such as Islam activists to infiltrate and supplant.

If this seems far-fetched and impossible in our land, take a few moments away from your favorite entertainment and look at the history of Europe over the last few years. And what the results have been. You might have to look beyond the popular media.

  1.   Their choice of tactics is urban guerilla warfare: we call it terrorism. If we take the time to look—and this will require going beyond the traditional media that sells opinion as news, and exists solely as outlets for their advertisers—you will see that this is worldwide and our welcoming borders are no barrier to their activities.

Our politicians have been willing participants in the give-away of our nation by the most corrupt anti-American administration in our nation’s history, whether it be wars with no enemies and no definition of victory, to executive agreements that give enemies who take our money while simultaneously vowing to destroy us. Congress is no less liable that our President. We, the voting public, are no less liable than Congress.


Victory is possible. Even at this late date, we can win our country back from the enemies of our Constitution and heritage. The enemy is two-fold:

  1. The enemy within: Politicians and power mongers of any and all persuasions who do not put the rule of law ahead of personal gain and power.
  2. The enemy without: Islam militants who would destroy our country at any cost.

We can take control and change this destructive course, but only if we as a people act decisively and consistently. At the present time, every elected official is totally dependent upon the voter to get into and stay in office. We have the power. Will we use it, or just wait for the next TV hero to solve the 30-minute crisis while our nation crumbles?

The Enemy Within:

We will not all agree on every solution to every problem. That’s OK. That is why the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, not freedom from hearing. We are destroying the exercise of that right by playing sectarian chess with our courts and law-making bodies. That route will backfire on every player in time as new issues with more powerful or engaging public relations spring up. It is causing the destruction of the rule of law.

Bring important words back into our political vocabulary: Statesman, honesty, accountability, personal responsibility, service.

Compromise is not a bad word, as long as it is not a compromise of foundational ideals. Give and take is the design of our government. Passing laws unread, and legislating from the court bench is not.

The ballot box, though sometimes compromised, is our big hammer, President Roosevelt’s ‘Big Stick” redefined. The Black Panthers’ “Power to the People” re-tasked for all Americans. It is our hands.

We will never like every aspect of any candidate. Vote for the one who best represents your values. If you never find one you can support, get up and run for office. Others may believe as you do.

Between elections, maintain a great flood of mail, email, phone calls, and personal visits to your elected representatives, praising the good, admonishing the bad, and providing input ahead of votes to help shape their votes.

Bring the media into accountability. Do not support those outlets, no matter how big and established they might be, if they do not “tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Period. If we don’t support them by consuming their garbage, the advertisers will abandon them, too. Here is our vote: The dollars follow the crowd in advertising.

The Enemy Without (and Within):

We have more advantages in this area than we realize. Unlike the war-torn Middle-East, we have order and a measure of the rule of law throughout the United States. Unlike Europe, we do not have un-vetted immigrants flowing wholesale across borders with little or no control. (Our southern border does require attention and is a proven source of Muslim ingress. These would be particularly suspect regarding their intentions).

This very day, however, our President is again showing his bent to support non-citizen Muslims against his sworn duties to the Americans who elected him, and against the explicitly expressed opinions of Governors and an increasing number of other lawmakers. He is opening our borders to these refugees:

  1. With no vetting in spite of a significant percentage that are adult males who fit profiles for known terrorist operatives.
  2. Will provide them with welfare benefits including housing allowances, food stamps, Medicare and Medicaid for LIFE. At our expense.

American intelligence and military power, though compromised by this Administration, and highly sectarian, is still substantial. Fighting fire with fire is our strong suite. We need a combined intelligence community that combines all resources for a single purpose—the preservation of America. Our elite troops in all services must be allowed to do what they have been trained to do. They have proven their skills.

Cooperation, through NATO or another venue, could bring similar resources from around the world to bear on the enemy. We should be supporting France as it strikes at the enemy both externally and internally.

The process is not without problems. There will be setbacks, other attacks. Each will bring stronger retaliation. Each will bring us closer to eradicating the menace, and subduing the remnant into peaceful coexistence (have we heard that before?). We will not change their ideology. But we can certainly continually decimate the militant element as it appears.

All this is our call. We the People. We the voters. We can continue to hide our heads in entertainment and other diversions, or get busy and assure that this country is fit for our grandchildren.