
By Bob Beanblossom

5 February 2017

It seems to me that sometimes we get our priorities a bit confused in all the hustle and bustle of life. The older folks used to say that we couldn’t see the forest for the trees. Sometimes the opposite is true. Either way, we are still off-track.

Remember the story in Mark 10:38-42 about Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet, taking in all He said? Her sister, who was busy fixing a meal for her Lord, complained to Him about her sister’s inattention to the important work at hand–the real work so that the fellowship could begin.

It seems to me that Jesus said (broadly paraphrased) something to this effect: Martha, time with Jesus (or, reading His Word prayerfully, for us) is far more important than a meal and associated fellowship with good friends. To tighten the thought up a bit, a Bible study is preferred by Jesus to a fellowship activity.