
30 May 2017

By Andrew Murray

Adapted by Bob Beanblossom

It seems to me that God, in His infinite wisdom, lets us share in the relationship He has with another now and then. He shows us that we are not alone.

Are you confused and hurting? Have you suffered a great loss? Here are some words from Andrew Murray, a missionary to South Africa in the 1800s.

Consider, he says:

“First, He brought me here, it is by His will I am in this strait place (I am suffering this trial, this pain–Bob): in that fact I will rest.

“Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace to behave as His child.

“Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.

“Last, in His good time He can bring me out again–how and when (only) He knows.

Let me say I am here,

(1) By God’s appointment,

(2) In His keeping,

(3) Under His training,

(4) For His time.”

In another place, Murray added a fitting conclusion:

“Give yourself time to be silent and quiet before Him, waiting to receive, through the Spirit, the assurance of His presence with you, His working in you. Take time to read His word as in His presence . . . .”

We are still and always human. Grief, sorrow, pain–all are real and poignant, slow to dissipate, never to fully leave.

Murray speaks of a draining of self that is replaced by the filling of God the Holy Spirit. He spoke not from theory but experience. His experience–individual and unique to each of us–repeated countless times daily by those who can follow him in submission to our God. Perhaps “submerge” would be a better word for that action. He says, “Lo, I am with you always (Matthew 28:20a); also, Look for Me first ((Matthew 6:33). My grace (and His alone) is sufficient for you–for all of your confusion, hurting, and sense of loss. Completely sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9).