The Self-Identity Crisis

By Bob Beanblossom

10 May 2022

Isn’t it interesting that the highest form of self-actualization and self-identity for what appears to be a growing segment of our society is their sexual orientation? Not personal achievement, not family values, not even level of education, but how and whom they choose to engage in sexual activities with.

On 21 January 1961, in his inaugural speech as President, John F. Kennedy famously (maybe not to today’s folks) motivated the country with his question: “Ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country . . . let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.”

Today, America’s claim pride lies not in the classroom, the board room, or the halls of business, industry, and government, but in the bedroom; not what we have achieved and will achieve, but with whom we engage in sexual activities, all in the name of personal freedom of expression. We as a society seek only what we can get, not what we can give. We no longer love this land but find reasons to condemn it in spite of the many blessings of liberty that allow the very protests against it.

This, it seems to me, does not portend well for the longevity of our society. History is full of the records of societies that no longer exist because they traded moral values and production for personal pleasure and greed. The crisis of American self-identity can only be solved when individuals start looking beyond what feels good to that which accomplished good for their families and society as a whole–which, just coincidently, corresponds with what is best for self.