Patrick Henry on Abortion

In 1775, Patrick Henry told those gathered at the Second Virginia Convention that he would not yield to British domination that cared nothing about those over whom it exercised power. He wanted the freedom to be able live under a moral code of equal opportunity to succeed or fail.

His cry of “Give me liberty or give me death” echoed across the Atlantic and eventually led to freedom that gave birth to the American Dream.

Our Declaration of Independence expanded freedom to include “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  This phrase has become the centrex of American thought. It is the heartbeat of our nation from which all freedoms and responsibilities radiate.

It seems to me that Patriot Henry would not object to a slight modification of his cry as a voice for some Americans whose voice can’t be heard: the unborn.

Give ME Liberty, Not Death, might be their cry.  Give ME the chance to pursue liberty and happiness as I live my life. Give ME the same opportunity that you have. In this land of opportunity, recognize that I am as valuable as you are.

I really think that Patriot Henry would be passionate about uniting his cry with theirs. As we should be.